Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Adobe Illustrator

It turns out Illustrator is harder to use than I intended. Or maybe I'm bad at drawing people. Either way, here's a half-done Marilyn Monroe.
I'll try and finish it at some point. Noses tend to be pretty useful things. As do torsos.

A much-belated tree

About a million years ago, in our first session in CAA2/2 or however rooms work here (seriously these things get confusing) we had to do a photoshop thing where we put a tree inside a lightbulb. I'd write a bit more about it, but seriously this stuff's simple. So yeah, have a tree.

Does this work?

Chromia and Bumblebee-et Trailer from Jonny Clementson on Vimeo.

Chromia and Bumblebee-et

Soookay, I'm doing a terrible job of keeping this updated. So I'll add some stuff to it tonight. First up is the video from the recent AfterEffects sessions. At's meant to be an interpretation of Romeo and Juliet but made with Transformers toys. Because I'm not a massive nerd whatsoever...

There's the link. I'll see if I can put a better link in in a minute.